Full Name
Phone Number
Company Name
Business Details
Email ID
Company Email Address
What is the nature of your business?
Are you currently running Facebook ads? (Yes/No) [text Are you currently running Facebook ads? (Yes/No)t placeholder ""]
Describe the products and services your company is offering?
What are you looking to achieve with Facebook ads? (Lead generation, Brand awareness, Sales, etc.) 13-18 years of age18-23 years of age23-30 years of age30-45 years of age45-60 years of age60 years of age and above
What was your company website platform? WordpressWixSquarespaceCustomWeeblyDruepalJoomlaWebflowOthers
What are your company advertising platforms?
What is your company website hosting provider?
Can you name some of your company competitors?
What are your company goals?
How much is the company Monthly Advertisement/Digital Marketing budget?(Ads spend)
What selling platform are you using?
How far are you right now from achieving your company goal?